Volker Rosin © Manfred Esser, Quelle: roxy.ulm.de

Sunday 20.10.2024

03:00 PM

ROXY Ulm / Werkhalle

Schillerstraße 1/12

89077 Ulm

Volker Rosin

Das Disco Krokodil

With his new program "Das Disco Krokodil " Volker Rosin, the king of children's disco, makes all children sing and dance. The musician and entertainer can already look back on over 40 years of stage experience. More than 6 million records prove his success with his young audience and make him one of the most successful children's artists in Germany. His show involves singing, dancing, hopping and stomping. Participation is always the order of the day. And of course he also has his new hits "Die Kuh Mathilde", "Baby Hai" and "Mama Laudaaa" in his luggage. The popular classics "Der Gorilla mit der Sonnenbrille", "Das singende Känguru" and "Das Lied über mich" are also a must. Hit after hit follows at his children's disco party. No part of the body remains still and some children are even allowed on stage to sing with Volker Rosin himself. Many parents have grown up with the songs of Volker Rosin themselves and enjoy the songs of their childhood. This is pure party! In the finale, the audience can expect "Ki.Ka Tanzalarm", "Das Disco Krokodil" and the indestructible "Feuerwehr Gymnastik". His encouraging song "So wie du bist" is the emotional highlight of the program. What makes Volker Rosin so unmistakable? His joy in interacting with the children is always palpable and authentic. Even after more than 40 years, his live program is always spontaneous - and always at eye level with the little concert guests. It goes without saying that he is always available to sign autographs and take photos with his young fans after his concerts. The ROXY family concerts are particularly suitable for children between the ages of 3 and 12 and their parents.



VVK (Bis 12 Jahre): 13.00 EUR

VVK (Ab 13 Jahre): 17.00 EUR

AK (Bis 12 Jahre): 18.00 EUR

AK (Ab 13 Jahre): 22.00 EUR

Venue Organizer

ROXY Ulm / Werkhalle

Schillerstraße 1/12
89077 Ulm


Phone: (0731) 968620


Note: wheelchair accessible

For more accessibility information, visit http://stadttipps-ulm.de or directly at the venue or the organizer. Please understand that construction works and moves often result in changes.


Schillerstraße 1/12
89077 Ulm


Phone: (0731) 968620


ROXY Ulm / Werkhalle